A note from Syd about COVID-19
I’m sorry if I confused you by our abrupt temporary closing.
When I started to discover the severity of controlling the virus spread of COVID-19 in Canada, I closed shop immediately due to the unknowns at the time. I wasn’t sure if I could be spreading or transmitting the virus from dropping off or receiving packages and I couldn’t risk that.
After learning more in the past weeks about what we can all do to keep each other safe, we have decided to reopen with new protocols in place.
Our new methods of delivery will be free local contactless porch pickups and worldwide shipped delivery.
Bonus: we’re now able to offer free local porch pickups nearly any time, any day!* Come whatever day or time works best for you.
New evidence has suggested that the virus can live on cardboard or paper for an hour. For this reason, your porch pickup will be placed outside at least 1 hour before you plan to pick it up, and your shipped delivery should be safe either way.
All clothing (except specialty dry clean pieces like leather) are washed in the washing machine. Before packaging, hands are thoroughly washed and contacted surfaces are cleaned.
We’re going to adapt to this situation. We plan on providing you with more digital content to make you happy and inspired! I hope you’re all adapting to your situations and staying healthy too. I look forward to providing you with more one of a kind pieces to brighten your days during this tough times!
Much love,
- Syd
*as long as I’m awake lol, you can pick it up